Friday 22 February 2013

Campus Session 1 - Module 2

The campus session gave everyone the chance to consider the likely topic of their inquiry. This module gives everyone the time and space to plan and think carefully about the topic they wish to explore and how they will go about it. Among the topics brought to the table and discussed yesterday were:

  • Success in Musical Theatre
  • Auditions
  • Nutrition
  • Continuing Professional Development in Performing Arts
  • Black Women in Acting
  • Transitioning from Performance to Teaching
  • Impact of teaching dance on education
  • Learning styles in dance informing teaching strategies

All the topics raised more questions than answers and the discussion showed that people can learn from each other by doing this in order to narrow focus more acutely.  Bobbie offered to develop a page on Facebook in order to allow these discussions to unfold – so look out for more information on this.

Otherwise, we agreed that finding material in the library would be useful in helping focus more on the topic and reference was made to the programme handbook which contains advice on the Harvard system of referencing.

It’s time now to focus on the topic and to get talking to classmates and other professionals in your network and listen to their contributions. It’s equally important to contribute to other discussions when invited.

Campus Session 2 will focus on Ethics which is the next theme of the course.


  1. Thanks for the session update Rosemary.
    Sorry I missed it but it is interesting to see the topics that came up. To add to the list.. I am considering an inquiry about the mentality of dancers and the mental strains/stresses that come with the career/training. Looking forward to hearing more from the other BAPP students.

  2. Hi Rosemary,

    Thank-you for posting this, it was really interesting to see the wide scope of emerging topics.

    I am particularly interested in the topic listed above, 'Impact of teaching dance on education' as I've been reading around the subject of Emotional Intelligence (Goleman, 1990), and the emerging thinking that EQ skills have more influence on work/ life success than IQ, and whether dance training may/ may not develop these attributes.

    Now that I am back from my holiday I am looking forward to reconnecting with my fellow BAPPers to swap/ discuss ideas...
